A place for people interested in introspection, self awareness, mindfulness, meditation and training the mind to abide in a state that is free from the constant flow of meaningless chatter, mind theatrics, and discursive thought.

Positive and Negative Energy Flow

Positive and Negative Energy Flow

 When we examine those individuals that seem to have the most energy, it becomes quickly obvious that they also tend to have the most positive attitudes in life. It could also be said that those with the most positive attitudes tend to be the most energetic. Either way, the two go hand in hand. Looking at the opposite side of the spectrum, it is also observed that those individuals with the most negative attitudes tend to have the lowest energy levels.

 There seems to be an obvious relationship between attitude and energy level. This in turn poses the question as to how they are related. We have to start by recognizing that this universe is more about energy than we tend to think it is. Einstein recognized this relationship when he developed the formula
 E=MC or Energy = Mass x Speed of Light.

All that we perceive as solid is made of atoms, which are nothing more than tiny particles of concentrated energy. The speed at which the electrons circle the nucleus of an atom, (the speed of light) is what allows these masses of energy to appear solid. The atom actually is comprised mostly of empty space. To gain perspective, if the nucleus were blown up to be the size of a tennis ball, the electrons would be orbiting about a kilometer away. It is energy that keeps the electrons in orbit around the nucleus.

Putting all of this in perspective, the physical self that we perceive to be solid is ultimately constructed and held together by energy. We would not be incorrect in thinking of ourselves as energy beings, or as conduits through which energy can flow.

Energy can be of either a positive or a negative nature. We have the ability to make a conscious choice as to what polarity of energy we wish to have flow through us. Thoughts ultimately are just another form of energy, and as such they are the determining factor over which polarity of energy flows through us, positive or negative. We have the ability to choose, and to control which thoughts we wish to give our energy and attention to and thereby which direction our energy flows. Think of a battery, where the positive terminal is an outflow of energy. The negative terminal is an inflow of energy. Positive thoughts are  a source of positive energy, and feeling the wonderful effects of positive energy can in turn bring about more positive thoughts. Negative thoughts are a great consumer of energy, leaving one feeling drained. As one experiences too much draining of energy, thoughts can easily turn toward the negative, further perpetuating the downward spiral of energy.

Negative energy and attitude can be thought of as flowing backwards, through us and into a vortex-like black hole. People with an extremely negative energy flow are sometimes referred to as social vampires, as they seem to just suck the life out of everyone and everything around them. Often, they are not even aware of what their own mental state is.

When we allow positive energy to flow outwards through us and into the world it has a positive effect on our mental attitude. Likewise, having a positive attitude will polarize our energy to the positive. The more we focus our thoughts and attitudes in a positive direction, such as with the energies of Love, Kindness, Compassion, etc., the more positive energy, and in turn Joy, will flow into our life.

The next time you feel like your energy reserves are low, stop and examine your state of mind and attitude. A simple shift in attitude, and perhaps even a few random acts of kindness can work wonders for your energy level.

Michael L. Fournier


  1. It’s INCREDIBLY hard to visualize data with energy flow characteristics. It turns out there’s a chart that’s strategically positioned to visualize data with flow characteristics. Besides, this chart is amazingly easy to read and interpret. How to create energy flor diagram

  2. Meditation is a mental practice that involves focusing one's attention on a particular object, thought, or activity to achieve a state of mental clarity, relaxation, and heightened awareness. It is often used as a technique for reducing stress, promoting relaxation, and enhancing overall well-being. Meditation has been practiced for thousands of years and is associated with various religious, spiritual, and secular traditions.

    The fundamental elements of meditation typically include:

    Focused Attention: Meditation usually begins with concentrating your attention on a specific object, thought, sound, or your breath. This focused attention helps calm the mind and reduce distractions.

    Relaxation: As you maintain your focus, you strive to let go of tension and relax your body and mind. This can involve deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation techniques.

    Mindfulness: Meditation often involves cultivating mindfulness, which means being fully present and aware of your thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and the environment without judgment. Mindfulness meditation, in particular, has gained popularity for its stress-reduction and mental clarity benefits.

    Quiet Environment: Many people find it helpful to meditate in a quiet and peaceful environment to minimize external distractions.

    Regular Practice: Meditation is most effective when practiced regularly. Consistent practice can lead to increased benefits over time.

    Meditation can take various forms, including:

    Mindfulness Meditation: This involves observing your thoughts without judgment, being present in the moment, and focusing on your breath or bodily sensations.

    Transcendental Meditation (TM): In TM, a specific mantra is repeated silently, and the practitioner aims to transcend ordinary thought and experience a deep state of restful awareness.

    Loving-Kindness Meditation: This form focuses on developing feelings of compassion and love towards oneself and others.

    Guided Meditation: In guided meditation, a teacher or recording provides instructions and leads you through a specific meditation practice.

    Body Scan Meditation: This practice involves mentally scanning your body to release tension and promote relaxation.

    The benefits of meditation can include reduced stress and anxiety, improved concentration, enhanced emotional well-being, and greater self-awareness. While it has its roots in spiritual and religious traditions, meditation has become widely secularized and is accessible to people from all walks of life. Many individuals incorporate meditation into their daily routines as a means of enhancing their mental and emotional health. You can find out more from https://spellcaster-reviews.com

  3. In love magic, practitioners often use a variety of props, symbols, and tools to amplify intentions and focus energy. Here are some common props used in love magic:

    Candles: Different colored candles are used to symbolize different aspects of love. Red candles are often associated with passion and romantic love, while pink candles may represent affection and friendship.

    Crystals: Certain crystals are believed to have properties that enhance love and relationships. Rose quartz, for example, is commonly associated with love, compassion, and emotional healing.

    Herbs and Plants: Various herbs and plants are used in love magic for their symbolic significance or perceived magical properties. Examples include rose petals (for love and romance), lavender (for calm and harmony), and basil (for attraction).

    Essential Oils: Aromatherapy is integrated into love magic using essential oils such as rose, jasmine, and ylang-ylang. These scents are thought to evoke love and sensuality.

    Incense: Certain types of incense, such as rose or sandalwood, are used to purify the space and create a magical ambiance during love rituals.

    Amulets and Talismans: Small objects, often made of metal or stone, may be used as charms to carry specific energies or symbols associated with love. They are sometimes worn or carried to attract or enhance romantic energy.

    Tarot Cards: Tarot cards may be used for divination in matters of love. A practitioner may perform a love-themed tarot reading to gain insights into a relationship or seek guidance on matters of the heart.

    Mirror: Mirrors can be used symbolically in love magic, reflecting positive energy or enhancing self-love. They might be incorporated into spells or rituals.

    Personal Items: Items belonging to the individuals involved, such as photographs, clothing, or hair, may be used to create a stronger connection between the practitioner and the targeted individuals.

    Sigils: Practitioners may create or use magical symbols, known as sigils, to represent their intentions in love magic. These symbols are often inscribed on candles, paper, or other surfaces.

    Statues or Images: Images or statues of deities associated with love, such as Aphrodite or Eros in Greek mythology, may be used to invoke their energy and blessings.

    Remember that the effectiveness of love magic is subjective, and ethical considerations should be taken seriously. It's important to approach these practices with respect for the free will of others and to consider the potential consequences of your magical workings. Always align your practices with positive and ethical intentions.
